Category: President’s Message
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The Power of Sharing!
Greetings from Creston! Today, I will have the privilege to support and participate in the Kootenay…
A Time for The Holy Spirit Presence and Power!
Greetings from Kelowna! Today, Pastors Ern Brake, Tom Glatts, and I will support and participate in…
Our Wonderful Counselor!
Greetings from Trail! Pastor Brake and I began visiting some churches of the West Kootenay’s Distri…
A Recipe for a Happy Life – Unity and Gratitude!
Greetings from Burman University, Lacombe, AB! I arrived here on Thursday for a series of meetings,…
Jesus Took My Place!
Greetings from Vancouver Island! Today, I will support and participate in a memorable event when th…
Salvation Cannot Be Bought – Jesus Has “Paid” It For Us!
Greetings from Abbotsford! My family and I are back from our vacation in Brazil. We celebrated toge…
A Balanced Power!
Greetings from Brazil! My family and I arrived here yesterday. We are glad for being able to concil…
The Ministry of a Glass of Water… and a Lemonade!
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I spent most of last week in Oshawa…
Thank you For Your Prayers!
Greetings from Oshawa, ON! I have been here since the middle of this week for a series of meetings,…
Infinite Power!
Greetings! This morning, I would like to share with you some SOP quotations that I received from a…