Salvation Cannot Be Bought – Jesus Has “Paid” It For Us!
Greetings from Abbotsford! My family and I are back from our vacation in Brazil. We celebrated together with them my mother’s 81st birthday, my father in law’s 90th birthday, my daughter’s engagement as her fiancée was also there with us, and one of my nieces’ wedding. It was a memorable time – God is good! We had a little problem coming back to BC as one of the flights was cancelled and we had to wait another day in a different place, while we could have been with our family… However, we all arrived safely and that is what is important! Thank you for your prayers for us while we were away.
I will be leaving to Camp Hope for the Local Church Elders’ Training in a couple hours. I thought of sending you a little note before embarking on that trip as the internet connection is still “challenging” out there. To this, I can add that the BC Conference received a generous donation earmarked for bringing optic fiber to the Camp. We have signed a contract with Telus but they have not managed to deliver it, yet. We hope to see this project completed in a timely manner.
This morning, I read a beautiful message and I am convinced that you will also be blessed by it: “Money cannot buy it, intellect cannot grasp it, power cannot command it; but to all who will accept it, God’s glorious grace is freely given. But men may feel their need, and, renouncing all self-dependence, accept salvation as a gift. Those who enter heaven will not scale its walls by their own righteousness, nor will its gates be opened to them for costly offerings of gold or silver, but they will gain an entrance to the many mansions of the Father’s house through the merits of the cross of Christ.” (EGW, God’s Amazing Grace, 179). Yes,salvation is free – we have a wonderful Saviour!
Please, let’s pray for:
1 – Local Church Elders’ Training at Camp Hope this weekend – Dr. Nilton & Sis. Tannia Amorim.
2 – Women’s Ministry Retreat, 108 Mile, April 26-28 – Kandus Thorp. Registration:
3 – Adventurer Campout, Camp Hope, April 26-28. Youth Department.
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service,
Wesley Torres, D.Min.