
Personal Ministries

Personal Ministries provides resources and trains members fulfill each members calling to expose people to the love of Christ, connect people with fellow believers, help people grow in their faith, challenge people to discover their gifts and honour God with their lives.

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Brian Wahl
Church Ministries Director

Can Zhou
Church Ministries
Administrative Assistant
604 853 5451 x325


Personal Ministries

The Adult Ministries Department of the North American Division sponsors a curriculum for the instruction and enrichment of those interested in personal ministries outreach and leadership. This curriculum has three levels of training and enrichment. For more information, see

Core Skills Level Personal Ministries Training Course

The Great Commission – The Call to be Fishers of People (CU-101)

The core biblical extract for anyone involved in Personal Ministries of any type is the Great Commission specified by Jesus. This course examines this commission and how it is put into practice by those involved in Personal Ministries.

Introduction to the Bible (CU – 102)

The course is designed as an overall introduction to the Bible. To some it may seem elemental, but it is always valuable to see the big picture and have in mind the broad outlines of one’s textbook, in this case the entire Bible. You cannot adequately instruct someone in biblical knowledge without having personally absorbed both biblical teachings and an understanding of the overall scope of what the Bible is and what it teaches.

How to Use the Bible in Personal Ministries Outreach (CU – 103)

This course on hermeneutics (the science of biblical interpretation) is probably the most technical course in this curriculum series, and will require careful study. The result of your study will be a well-informed and practical knowledge of the basic rules of biblical interpretation.

Essential Skills Level Personal Ministries Enrichment Course

The Science of Soul Winning – Methodologies, Resources, Basic Skills (ES – 1)

This course is about developing the essential skills necessary to accomplish the mission implied in learning a “science.” Other courses will go deeper into actual hands-on applications of the foundation skills.

How to Give Bible Studies (ES – 2)

This course is about the essential skill of preparing and giving Bible studies, a key strategy of personal ministries participation. Those who master this skill will see many people receive Jesus as a personal Savior, accept the seventh-day Sabbath, and become members of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

The Art of Obtaining Decisions (ES – 3)

This course is about the essential skill of obtaining decisions, a key strategy of personal ministries participation. Those who master this skill will see many people receive Jesus as a personal Savior, accept the seventh-day Sabbath, and become members of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Relating to People of Various Religious Persuasions (ES – 4)

This course explains various religious belief systems. Its purpose is to familiarize the personal ministries participant with these belief systems so that they can recognize what a person believes, and customize their presentations so they are as understandable and familiar to the person receiving the studies as possible.

Personal Ministries

The Adult Ministries Department of the North American Division sponsors a curriculum for the instruction and enrichment of those involved in personal ministries outreach and leadership. This curriculum has three levels of training and enrichment. For more information, see

Core Skills Level Personal Ministries Training Course

The Great Commission – The Call to be Fishers of People (CU-101)

The core biblical extract for anyone involved in Personal Ministries of any type is the Great Commission specified by Jesus. This course examines this commission and how it is put into practice by those involved in Personal Ministries.

Introduction to the Bible (CU – 102)

The course is designed as an overall introduction to the Bible. To some it may seem elemental, but it is always valuable to see the big picture and have in mind the broad outlines of one’s textbook, in this case the entire Bible. You cannot adequately instruct someone in biblical knowledge without having personally absorbed both biblical teachings and an understanding of the overall scope of what the Bible is and what it teaches.

How to Use the Bible in Personal Ministries Outreach (CU – 103)

This course on hermeneutics (the science of biblical interpretation) is probably the most technical course in this curriculum series, and will require careful study. The result of your study will be a well-informed and practical knowledge of the basic rules of biblical interpretation.

Essential Skills Level Personal Ministries Enrichment Course

The Science of Soul Winning – Methodologies, Resources, Basic Skills (ES – 1)

This course is about developing the essential skills necessary to accomplish the mission implied in learning a “science.” Other courses will go deeper into actual hands-on applications of the foundation skills.

How to Give Bible Studies (ES – 2)

This course is about the essential skill of preparing and giving Bible studies, a key strategy of personal ministries participation. Those who master this skill will see many people receive Jesus as a personal Savior, accept the seventh-day Sabbath, and become members of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

The Art of Obtaining Decisions (ES – 3)

This course is about the essential skill of obtaining decisions, a key strategy of personal ministries participation. Those who master this skill will see many people receive Jesus as a personal Savior, accept the seventh-day Sabbath, and become members of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Relating to People of Various Religious Persuasions (ES – 4)

This course explains various religious belief systems. Its purpose is to familiarize the personal ministries participant with these belief systems so that they can recognize what a person believes, and customize their presentations so they are as understandable and familiar to the person receiving the studies as possible.

Member-led Public Evangelism

The Basics of Evangelistic Sermon Preparation and Delivery (PE – 1)

This course outlines some key methodology for evangelistic sermon presentation and preparation.

The Basics of Evangelistic Sermon Preparation and Delivery (PE – 1)

This course outlines some key methodology for evangelistic sermon presentation and preparation.

Personal Ministries helps us to reach people in ones own armor. the Bible says when we are with Christ we are “transformed by the renewing of our mind” God wants you to bring the best out of people by God bringing the best out of you. Grow where you are planted. Encourage others in your neighborhood.

Winsome Witnessing – A simple approach to gaining and giving Bible Studies.

Chapters 3 and 4
Meeting People God places in your path
The Methods of Jesus and who is around you
Their Story, Your Story, His Story
Handy Study Guides
Questions that may come up and distractions
Discerning the level of interest.
Know the signs of conviction.
Avoid “Dip and Drop”. Rather disciple on the road to eternity with Jesus now.