Children's Ministries
Alive in Jesus - New Sabbath School Curriculum Mission: To support the local churches in their ministry to children and to prepare a Campmeeting program for children ages 0-12 years…
Men's Ministries
Brian WahlChurch Ministries Can ZhouAdministrative Assistant604 853 5451 Gerry NessmanMen’s Ministries Coor…
Women's Ministry
Brian WahlChurch Ministries Director Can ZhouAdministrative Assistant604 853 5451…
Family Ministries
Our Values Mission: Our mission of evangelism is to provide resources, training, and networking opportunities that will instill hope and bring wholeness to families within the BC Conference. Vis…
Mountain View Summer Camp
Mission The Mission of the Summer Camp is our mission is to create an experience that will be extraordinarily fun, creatively challenging and uniquely hands- on in an environment that will bring s…
Indigenous Ministries
Mission The BC Conference Indigenous Ministries serves the purpose of coordinating ministry to the Indigenous peoples of British Columbia and the Yukon with the Christ-centred Adven…
Prayer Ministries
Mission The mission of the BC Conference Prayer Ministry is to develop/strengthen and expand vibrant prayer life in churches, schools and homes across the Conference so that members may experience…
Ministries of Compassion
Mission The Adventist Ministries of Compassion BC (AMBC) is a consolidated consortium of ministries that includes but is not limited to various ministries such as: ADRA Canada, Adventist Commu…
Blind Ministries
Mission Statement We encourage our members to support our blind members by developing programs targeted for people with disabilities. We aim to make churches accessible to all. We hope t…
Personal Ministries
Personal Ministries provides resources and trains members fulfill each members calling to expose people to the love of Christ, connect people with fellow believers, help people grow in their faith, c…
Sabbath School Ministries
Click here to book an appointment Brian WahlChurch Ministries Can ZhouChurch MinistriesAdministrative Assistant604 853 5451 x325czhou@bcadventis…
One Heart Community -Adventist Single Adults
One Heart Community - Uniting Singles With "One Heart Community" we desire to draw from the Scripture in Acts 4:32 to encourage being of one heart and of one mind as in…