A Balanced Power!
Greetings from Brazil! My family and I arrived here yesterday. We are glad for being able to conciliate our schedules to enjoy a vacation time together. I will also participate in the weeding ceremony of one of my nieces. God is good!
We arrived in Vila Velha, state of Espirito Santo yesterday early afternoon. This city is located by the coast and the temperature was 35*C at that time. It was a kind of thermal shock for us coming from 5*C when we left Abbotsford on Thursday morning. However, by the evening the temperature here had dropped significantly because of a gentle breeze that came from the sea (22*C). Wow! Then, I thought of that situation: Espirito Santo in Portuguese means Holy Spirit in English. Yes, we need the fire of the Holy Spirit (35*C…) to be transformed and live for the Lord, daily. At the same time, we ought to be gentle, wise, and balanced as we witness for Him (22*C). The Bible tells us that the disciples received the power of the Holy Spirit when tongues of fire rested on them during the Pentecost (Acts 2:3). Nonetheless, when God went to meet, speak, and encourage Elijah He was not in the strong wind, earthquake, or fire, but in the gentle breeze (I Kings 19:11-13).
Today, my prayer for all of us is that we allow the Holy Spirit to continue to transform and set us on fire for the Lord, always, but that He also gives us tact, gentleness, balance, and love to “witness and encourage” all of those we come in contact with, brothers and sisters in the faith included.
Please, let’s pray for:
1 – First Nations Wellness Coach Training II, Camp Hope, March 15-24 (this week). www.FNAT.ca
2 – Local Church Elders Training, Camp Hope, April 12-14. Pastor Nilton Amorim and Sister Tannia Amorim will share wonderful and practical seminars to train our elders for a better service – a must for every church elder! The Conference will support a 1/3 match formula (Elder + Church + Conference) for the first 50 registrants ($ 150/ double occupancy – elders) for this annual special training event.Registration available online.
3 – Spring Women’s Ministry Retreat, 108 Mile, April 26-28. Registration available online.
4 – Adventurer’s Campout, Camp Hope, April 26-28. Conference Youth Dept.
5 – Deacons and Deaconesses Training – Postponed to November 08-10 (Camp Hope) Pastor Michael Collins.
The Sabbath Messages will resume on Sabbath, April 13.
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service,
Wesley Torres, D.Min.