Greetings! The Lord has blessed us through this week and the Sabbath will start soon. I pray that we take time to be spiritually refreshed as we worship Him as a family during these sacred hours & always!
There is a beautiful SOP quotation, one sentence, that reminds us of God’s constant love and care for us. It brings lots of hope and encouragement for every situation that we may encounter in life. I am certain that all of us will receive a blessing from it: “He is ever watching to impart, when most needed, new and fresh blessings, strength in the hour of weakness, succor in the hour of danger, friends in the hour of loneliness, sympathy, human and divine, in the hour of sorrow.” (EGW, To Be Like Jesus, 338) It is a short message, but one filled with promises. Whatever our need, we are assured that He is always there for us!
It is comforting to know that our Heavenly Father knows all of us by name and is ready to bestow His blessings upon us according to our needs! (Isaiah 43:1-3; Matthew 10:29-30; John 10:14) We are never alone.
We are busy organizing a Virtual Camp Meeting for our Conference. During these days of “social distancing” and other health regulations, all contents must be “created” and put together online. This is a new “venture” for us… . Please, let’s pray for this spiritual event (July 29-Aug 1). I am certain that God will bless our combined efforts to glorify His name through this creative Camp Meeting format.
Thank you for your continuous and dedicated ministry to God’s people!
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service,
Wesley Torres