President's Message


Greetings! I am sure that many of you are aware of the cancellation of our 2020 Camp Meeting. That was a difficult but justifiable decision. The official information is placed on our website.

This morning, I read Exodus 15:26 which presents God is our healer. This message is fitting and brings much comfort and hope as we consider the current coronavirus health crisis. This virus has intimidated and changed the world. People are scared and frustrated for not being able to live a “normal life” and interact with their friends. The virus surrounding us is a consequence of sin. Despite the dreadful perspective for this situation, Jesus did not leave us orphans. He showed love and compassion for us by coming to this earth, taking our place, and paying the price of our iniquities (Isa. 53). Yes, He took care of the sin problem. This was (is) the greatest personification of love ever imagined. Although we still suffer the consequences of sin around us, our redemption is warranted through Jesus’ blood when we accept Him as our personal Saviour and “walk” with Him daily. Soon, He will come again to give us possession of eternal life and be with Him forever, all because of His love for us.

God created us as sociable individuals and with the propensity to love. As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to reflect His character by representing Him in every circumstance — this means to love and serve people. These challenging times provide us with golden opportunities to reveal His love to others. I am certain that the inspiring words of Dr. Frank Hasel on this topic will bless all of us this Sabbath. “This [Christ’s] love compels us (2 Corinthians 5:14) to show kindness to others. This love teaches us to be patient as we wait for relief and deliverance. This love motivates us to share what we have with those who have less. This love propels us to get active in support of those who can’t help themselves. This love encourages those who are fearful. This love finds ways to reach out to those who are lonely. This love will listen to those who need an attentive ear. This love brings forth a gentle smile on the face of those who are scared. This love has courage in the face of danger. This love endures in times of adversity. This love triumphs over fear. This love makes us agents of hope in times of suffering. This love will go the extra mile. Let us share the good news and live the gospel of God’s love that becomes visible in a lifestyle of compassion and care in times of physical distancing – for the good of all of our health.” (GCECN, 3)

Happy Sabbath!

In His Service,

Wesley Torres


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