Greetings! It is wonderful to feel the excitement of celebrating this most beautiful time of the year with our beloved family members – a time to rejoice in the Lord’s goodness and His love for us.
For those who did not know: This past Wednesday I shared with our BC Conference workers that after a deep soul searching and sincere prayers, I resigned from the SDACC VP for Administration/Executive Secretary position as I was impressed to continue to serve the BC Conference as its “Chief Servant”, by God’s grace. This decision was based on my family needs (my greatest “asset” on earth) and the feeling that “we” still have some important projects to be completed together here at the BC Conference, by God’s power. This topic was discussed in different occasions with Elder Mark Johnson, SDACC President. He was friendly, patient, accommodating, supportive, and understanding of that decision. I am extremely happy to continue to work together with each of our workers and church members in this beautiful Conference of ours. I felt honoured to be called to serve at the SDACC, but I did not find the inner peace to make that move because of the main reasons mentioned above. God is in control! A news release was also placed on our website about this matter.
This morning, I just want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for accepting me and my family over the years and as we continue to work together for the expansion of God’s Kingdom in our territory. It has been an awesome privilege for me to serve the Lord’s Cause with a great Team – our dedicated pastors, school principals and teachers, Bible workers, office, schools, ABC & Camp Hope staff, and church members of our BC Conference. I am blessed by your prayers, friendship, and support. We are stronger when we work unitedly and allow the Holy Spirit to use us for His glory! Thank you for your committed service and passion for the Great Commission.
I firmly believe that God has two “dwelling” places: One in heaven and the other in the grateful hearts of His children. So, let’s all thank Him for His marvelous love for us, especially during this festive occasion. Jesus is the reason for the season. I pray that our hearts are in tune with Him as we enjoy an intimate, personal, and daily relationship with Him. Let the way we “use” of our Temple, Time, Talents, and Treasures entrusted to us by God reflect that close connection with Him!
Please find below the link for the first stewardship video for this month (the second will be on Dec 28). Bro. Lester’s testimonies – It’s Not My Problem, It’s God’s Problem – will inspire us to always trust and depend on God. He is our provider! (I Chronicles. 29: 11-13; II Peter 1:3-4)
Lester – "It's Not My Problem, It's God's Problem" from British Columbia Adventist on Vimeo.
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service,
Wesley Torres