President's Message

The Greatest Revelation of God’s Love – Christ!

Greetings from Camp Hope, BC Conference’s Sanctuary, 2019 BC Conference Camp Meeting, Reflecting Christ’s Character. Our team worked very hard during this week to prepare the Camp for “the saints.” We had a great time working, fellowshipping, and worshipping God together. On behalf of our Administrative Team, I would like to sincerely thank each of you who were here and those who prayed for us while we were involved with Camp Pitch.

Our Camp Meeting started officially last evening. We all felt the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit moving softly throughout the camp grounds and the angelic host worshipping with us in all our divisions. Wonderful messages were presented. In the Main Pavilion, Dr. Derek Morris painted a beautiful biblical picture, as revealed in the Word, about the greatest revelation of God’s love – Christ – and encouraged all of us to reflect that love in our lives and share it with others.

Again, I received a message from a friend with a beautiful quotation from Elder Mark Finley on the topic of revival and transformation – that’s what Camp Meeting is all about! “We cannot expect revival when our hearts are more inclined to television comedians than prayer. We cannot expect revival when we are more interested in the morning sports page than morning devotions. We cannot expect revival when our violation of the message of health reform has clogged our brains so that we cannot discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. We cannot expect revival when our minds are filled with thoughts of fashion rather than with thoughts of the spotless robe of Christ’s righteousness.”

I kindly request that all of us pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in His Church, at Camp Meeting and throughout not only the BC Conference, but around the world. However, we need to remember that the desire for revival and transformation should start with each one of us, individually.

Happy Sabbath!

In His Service, 

Wesley Torres, D.Min.


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