Rest, Peace, Joy and Gladness – In Christ!
Greetings from Kelowna! This past Thursday, I read a SOP quotation that really blessed my heart. As I share it with you this morning, I pray that you will also be blessed and encouraged by it.
“There are many who have an erroneous idea of the life and
character of Christ. They think that He was devoid of warmth and sunniness,
that He was stern, severe, and joyless. In many cases the whole religious
experience is colored by these gloomy views.
“It is often said that Jesus wept, but that He was never known to smile. Our
Saviour was indeed a Man of Sorrows, and acquainted with grief, for He opened
His heart to all the woes of men. But though His life was self-denying and shadowed
with pain and care, His spirit was not crushed. His countenance did not wear an
expression of grief and repining, but ever one of peaceful serenity.His
heart was a wellspring of life, and wherever He went He carried rest and peace,
joy and gladness.” (EGW, Steps to
Christ, 120)
During this Sabbath day, let’s take time to enjoy being in the presence of our
beloved Saviour, the One who brings rest, peace, joy, and gladness! I pray that
we, as His Ambassadors, will become live conduits of His message to all around
Please, let’s pray for the spiritual blessings of our 2019 Camp Meeting, Reflecting Christ’s Character, July 26 – Aug 3.
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service,
Wesley Torres, D.Min.