God Wants Us to be Healthy!
Greetings from Duncan! For a while, Pastor Kossovan has been extending me the invitation to visit and be of service to our Duncan Church family. He wanted me to see with my own eyes the miracle that has taken place in that “little” church during the last year or so. Today is the day! Not long ago, they were facing a “survival challenge” due to a decline in membership and attendance over the years. After much prayer, hard work, evangelism, Bible studies, including new families that have joined them, the church is full and with many children. Praise the Lord! Please, let’s keep the Duncan Church in our prayers!
Last Sabbath, I ended up at the hospital – my wife took me there – after a rough week dealing with a nasty bug and an annoying and hurtful cough. Earlier that morning, my computer was not cooperating to allow me to prepare the Sabbath message. It did not work. I texted Karen and informed her about the situation as I was thinking about my commitment with our Conference’s Facebook page… She wrote a beautiful message and placed it there in my name. Thank you, Karen, that was really appreciated!
On that day, I was submitted to do several tests during the nearly eight hours I was at the hospital. Thank God, the results were good. Although nothing serious was detected, they could see that I was not well. However, something got my attention during my time at the hospital. I saw many people very sick. Then, a thought came to my mind: sickness is sin’s temporary victory. God did not create us to be sick, He gave us a healthy body. Consequently, sickness is a result of the presence of sin in our world as I do not believe that every time we get sick it is because we have sinned. No, the fact is that our enemy wants us to be sick, to suffer, to crawl, and to die – that is his goal. God’s plan is for us to be healthy, happy, and to enjoy life: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (III John 2 – NKJV). So, while at the hospital, I could really visualize sickness as one consequence of sin. Those scenes inspired me to long even more and with a stronger expectation for Jesus’ second coming when He will fix all misery and suffering that sin has caused and, of course, to be with the Lord, forever! There we will be free from all things that are “apparent” victories of sin, which have temporary prevented the possession of eternal life by God’s children – come sooner, Lord Jesus!
Let’s continue in the journey of the Ten Days of Prayer (Jan 9-19) – www.tendaysofprayer.org
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service
Wesley Torres, D.Min.