President's Message

Christ’s Transforming Grace!

Greetings from Abbotsford – home, sweet home. Today, I will worship the Lord with my family at the Abbotsford Church, our home church. In the afternoon, I will participate in a visioning session with the New Life Church Board, together with Pastor Tom Glatts. Please, keep these two church families in your prayers.

During my devotion this morning, I found an inspiring quotation and I felt impressed to share it with you. It provides us with an opportunity for reflection when we consider our lives and Christian walk with the Lord, especially as this year is ending. Christ’s amazing grace is always transforming!

“The grace of Christ in the soul is developing traits of character that are opposite of selfishness – traits that will refine, ennoble, and enrich the life. Acts of kindness performed in secret will bind hearts together, and will draw them closer to the heart of Him from whom every generous impulse springs. The little attentions, the small acts of love and self-sacrifice, that flow out from the life as quietly as the fragrance from a flower — these constitute no small share of the blessings and happiness of life. And it will be found at last that the denial of self for the good and happiness of others, however humble and uncommended here, is recognized in heaven as a token of our union with Him, the King of glory, who was rich, yet for our sake became poor.” (EGW, God’s Amazing Grace, 337)

I would like to invite all of us for a prayer journey with the Lord in 2019. Let’s start with a Day of Prayer and Fasting, next Sabbath, January 5, 2019 and then, Ten Days of Prayer, January 9-19, 2019, focusing on cultivating a deeper experience with the Lord and experiencing His wonderful grace, daily. More info at

Thank you for your commitment, passion, hard work, and faithful service to God, His Cause, His children, and your community! Yes, it has been a joy to work with each of you during this year. We are one more year closer to seeing and being with Jesus, forever!

Please find below the link to our last stewardship video for this year. Pastor Dauncey’s and Br. Ancheta’s testimony is a remarkable story of love, compassion, and faithfulness to God!

Dauncey & Florencio – "A Gift of Love" from British Columbia Adventist on Vimeo.

Happy Sabbath & Happy New Year!

In His Service,
Wesley Torres, D.Min.

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