Pastor Wesley Torres

Pastor Wesley Torres is Brazilian by birth. He is married to Angela Torres and they have three children: Kelly, Kevin and Kenny. He has laboured in the Lord’s vineyard for over 37 years and has served in Brazil, USA, South Africa, Australia and Canada (Ontario & British Columbia) in different capacities.
Pastor Torres earned his BA in Theology and Pastoral Ministry at Brazil College (1984). He completed the MA in Religion and Doctor of Ministries (D.Min) degrees at Andrews University Theological Seminary in 1999 and 2007, respectively.
He served in Pastoral and Youth Ministry before joining the British Columbia Conference (BC Conference) in January 2010 as the Church Growth & Evangelism, Personal Ministries, Family Life, and Adult Sabbath School Director. In November of that year, he was asked to also serve as the ADRA Canada Representative for the BC Conference. In October 2011, he was elected as the BC Conference VP for Administration/Executive Secretary, while still humanly leading in the other ministries. In January 2016, he was elected to serve as the President of the BC Conference. However, he prefers to be called as the Chief Servant! His service in that capacity began on March 1, 2016. Then, he was re-elected at the last Constituency Meeting for the same position in August 2017. He humbly accepted this call with the commitment and desire to enhance his service to God’s Church and His children in this beautiful Province of ours.
Pastor Wesley Torres loves sharing his faith and being a witness for Christ. He and his family are excited about the opportunity to motivate our church members to be involved in the expansion of God’s kingdom in our territory. He kindly solicits the prayers of our BC Conference church members for God’s work to be accomplished in a spirit of cooperation and dedication to His Cause.