Anil Kanda

Anil Kanda was born and raised in Orange Country, California, His family comes from Punjab, India. He grew up in the Hindu / Sikh religion, but while a college student and working, he encountered and experienced the powerful truths of God’s word.
Anil has been a pastor and conference evangelist for several years but now serves as the Young Adult Discipleship Director for Central California. You’ll be blessed by his energetic and thought-provoking presentations.
Gayle Haberkam

Gayle is a retired nurse who works alone in the isolated mountainous jungles of Thailand. As a medical missionary Gayle ministers to the poor Karen people who have fled from Burma to escape the brutal torture of the Burmese soldiers over the past 65 years. The Karen people live now much as they did 100 years ago in Burma. Many have never heard the name of Jesus. They worship the devil with sacrifices and ceremonies to appease evil spirits. There are many witch doctors and sorcerers. The work is slow and filled with danger; but Gayle is full of joy as she sees God change lives with His love and truth. She says: “Knowing that I am at the center of God’s will for my life, and seeing close up His miracle working power, is the most thrilling experience of my life! Eternity will reveal the results.”
Matt Parra

Matt Parra works in North New South Wales Australia as the Evangelism Director for the Local Conference. He is also the Director of Arise Australia and is leading out in a disciple making movement that involves a matrix of lay discipleship and ministry opportunities. By being faithful to the commission to make disciples the North New South Wales Conference has seen a seven year increase in growth. The loves of his life are his wife Sherise and his three sons Max, Benji, and Desmond. When not working, studying or proclaiming Christ, Matt can be found surfing along the New South Wales coast and wrestling with his sons.
Sikhu Daco

Sikhu Daco is the Senior Editorial Assistant for the Young Adult division of the General Conference Sabbath School Department. For over a decade, she worked in secular campus ministry after receiving her BA in Biochemistry and French. She is currently completing her MA in Religion with an emphasis in Systematic Theology at Andrews University. As a panelist on the inVerse Bible discussion show on Hope Channel, she gets to engage in her two passions for Bible study and ministry to young adults. Sikhu and her husband, Archie, have two boys.