Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I will have the privilege to share God’s Word at the District Rally of the Campbell River and Comox Valley Church today. It is always a joy to bring God’s message to His children.
This is the last Sabbath message that I am writing before our Constituency Meeting next Sunday, July 31. I sincerely want to thank the Lord for guiding and giving me desire to write messages that somehow would encourage and strengthen the faith of all of those who would read them. This is message number 250. I pray that by God’s grace these messages have blessed someone during this time, fulfilling the purpose by which they were written for.
Our BC Conference Constituency is scheduled to take place next Sunday, July 31. On behalf of our Administrative Team, I would like to thank all the delegates for setting aside that day to attend and participate in that meeting. My prayer is that that meeting will be held and unfold in a way that all participants will be blessed by it. However, for that to be the case at least three things need to happen:
1 – The delegates need to come to that meeting with a spirit of humility and prayer. This is such a huge privilege to be the “voice” of our Constituency. Nonetheless, that also comes with lots of responsibilities attached to it. It should be a spiritual event in which the Holy Spirit of God inspires the minds of all participants as they seek for wisdom to do His work. (I Peter 5:6-7)
2 – That ought to be a time of celebration for what God has accomplished in our Conference during these last five years. We faced many challenges during that time, including COVID-19 and a war that is again having a tremendous impact in the world economy. Nevertheless, our kind Heavenly Father has directed and protected His children during these unprecedented times in human history and we have nothing to fear regarding the future – God is in control! (Psalm 46:10)
3 – That should be a time to make plans on how to be creative and inspired by God’s Spirit to fulfill His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) in our territory. The delegates will need an open mind and again, a humble spirit to conduct the business of that meeting.
The meeting will be “broadcasted” through YouTube and those who are not delegates are invited to watch it.
Having said that, I feel that we all need, one way of another, to apply the three suggestions above in our lives in connection with that meeting with the desire to see God’s Cause advancing and reaching levels never reached before.
Again, on behalf of the Administrative Team, I humbly thank our church members and workers for their support and prayers during this quinquennium. None of us in the office never intended or made any political move towards being “remembered” to be of service to our Constituency in the capacity that we are temporarily holding. The is no price for that feeling and clean conscience that this brings! May God bless you all for that.
Please find below the link to our Conference video for the month of July. This is video number 54 during this quinquennium. I would like to say a big thank you to Pastor Sabina Vieira for sharing with us her Christian journey with the Lord and the way He led her to serve Him in His church. Also, a special thank you to our Communication Dept. for being able to squeeze in this project even being extremely busy with our Virtual Camp Meeting and Session.
In a special way, I invite you to pray for our Almost Home, BC Conference Virtual Camp Meeting which will start this coming Wednesday. I am certain that God has many blessings in store for us. Drs. Dwight Nelson and Pavel Goia will be our main speakers in the” Main Pavilion”. There are a myriad of excellent speakers and activities in the other divisions as well. Please check our website for all information about our 2022 Camp Meeting. This is my favourite time of the year! I am, we all are, looking forward to our 2023 Camp Meeting when we will be back at Camp Hope for a face-to-face Camp Meeting.
Please check the attached picture – God is always good!!! Thank you for your powerful prayers for me and my family during that ordeal.
Thank you for your faithful and tireless service to God’s people.
Happy Sabbath!
In His Service,
Wesley Torres, D.Min.