President's Message


Dear Fellow Workers, Board of Directors and Church Leaders:

I hope and pray that you and your beloved ones are safe and healthy, by God’s grace. The Sabbath day provides a refreshing opportunity for us to reflect and appreciate God as our Creator, Redeemer, and our provider for all things individually and as a family. What an amazing Heavenly Father we have!

I received a very spiritual message from a friend of mine recently, and I thought I should forward it to you in its entirety. I am sure you will be blessed by it as I was.

Ellen White wrote a series of articles about prayer using the experience of Moses to illustrate not only God’s willingness to answer prayer, but also that which revealed God’s character that she calls “reasonable and compassionate.” These articles appeared in Signs of the Times.

This weekend, as you spend time in prayer, consider how anxious God is to answer your prayers—how compassionate and reasonable He is.

Mrs. White wrote: “Moses, who was much in prayer, was known as the meekest man on the face of the earth. For his meekness and humility he was honored of God, and he discharged with fidelity the high, noble, and sacred responsibilities entrusted to him. While leading the children of Israel through the wilderness, again and again it seemed that they must be exterminated on account of their murmuring and rebellion. But Moses went to the true Source of power; he laid the case before the Lord. He knew that Israel had provoked divine wrath, and were deserving of punishment; but he could not bear the thought of their being rejected of God.

”Moses pleaded the words of God with an earnestness and sincerity which mortals have never equaled: ‘And now, I beseech thee, let the power of my Lord be great according as thou hast spoken, saying, The Lord is long-suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty… . Pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of this people according unto the greatness of thy mercy, and as thou hast forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now.’ And the Lord said, ‘I have pardoned according to thy word.’

“Here is an example of intelligent prayer—an appeal to the reason and the sympathy of Jehovah; and Moses’ prayer was answered, because God is reasonable and compassionate. The sorrows of his people touch his heart of love; and will he not hear our prevailing prayer? Will not our very urgency be regarded? His loving-kindness faileth not. As a kind Father, he does not mock the miseries of his children. And will he not avenge his own, who cry day and night unto him?”—Signs of the Times, August 14, 1884.

God has a heart of love, and He does hear our prayers! It is an amazing way to connect with God and feel His presence in our lives! It’s hard to find words to be added to the inspired words of that quotation above! Please note the following:

1 – Let’s pray for a quick and peaceful resolution for the Russian and Ukraine war. Let’s ask God to touch the hearts of the world leaders to find a solution to end that war and save lives.

2 – Please find below the link to our BC Conference video for this month. It is a very special one. Stephanie Schafer (Camp Hope Lodge Manager & Food Service Director) opens her heart and shares with all viewers how the Lord has provided opportunities for her to use her God-given hospitality gifts to be a blessing to others. It also shows that “Camp Hope” is the “BC Conference Sanctuary”. We have an amazing Team of workers there that does every possible thing to ensure Camp Hope users are given the best possible assistance and benefits of what they can get from that special place!

Stephanie – "The Simple Gift of Hospitality" from British Columbia Adventist on Vimeo.

3 – Here is the link to the BC Conference 1st Quarter Reach Magazine:…/reach-magazine-first-issue…

Thank you for your dedicated service to God’s Church and His children!

Happy Sabbath!

In His Service,

Wesley Torres, D.Min.