The BC Conference is moving into a new facility! All old furnishings must go and is FREE to all BC Conference Churches and Schools.

Items available are listed in the PDF document below.

Pickup is scheduled for November 25-28 (subject to change). Please note that you must provide your own tools and labour to move the items you have requested, as office staff are not available to assist.

Please note that item sizes are not listed, but most pieces are of average size. All items are offered completely FREE!

To view the available furnishings, refer to the PDF document below. If you’re interested in any items, please note the description and location given in the catalogue. All items are as is. Contact Nadia Avelar Martinez to arrange pickup:

Downloadable PDF Catalog of furnishings

PLEASE NOTE: Only furnishings are being offered. (ie: desks, chairs, bookshelves, etc) Items displayed in photos such as computers, printers, books, etc are NOT AVAILABLE.
